My First Roast Beef!

My mom heard that about the Canadian Beef Roast Beef Challenge and asked me Andrew aka KidCritic if I would be interested in taking it. Me and my dad love beef so I said yes. I will also be writing about the experience on my own blog.

Making Roast Beef is Easy!


My roast beef, salt, pepper and a digital thermometer

Just add salt and pepper to your roast

Just add salt and pepper to your roast

My Roast is Ready for the Oven

My Roast is now ready for the oven

My very first Roast Beef! Ready to eat after my hockey practice.

My very first Roast Beef! Ready to eat after my hockey practice.

The Recipe (click to find full instructions)

I hope you will take this challenge with me. CanadianBeefRoastBeefChallenge

Andrew (Kid Critic Blog) and my Mom Linda


roast challenge



Guest Post by Andrew and Linda

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