Starting solids? Put beef on the menu

Did you know Health Canada recently introduced new guidelines for the introduction of solids to infants at 6 months?  Yes, it’s true! And what does this have to do with Canadian Beef you ask?  Beef was named as a recommended first food!


Following a multi-year review of the scientific evidence, Health Canada, along with the Canadian Paediatric Society, Dietitians of Canada, and the Breastfeeding Committee for Canada, issued new guidelines for what to feed infants.

To ensure adequate iron intakes, the new guidelines, released October 2012, recommend introducing iron-rich foods to infants as first solids at about 6 months of age.  The guidelines name beef specifically, as well as other iron-rich meat and alternatives, as recommended foods which should be consumed at least daily. This strong wording differs from previous guidance which recommended introducing infant cereal, vegetables and fruit first, while meat was traditionally introduced last.

The new guidelines reflect the critical importance of iron in diet of the growing child and the role iron-rich foods, such as beef, play in a healthy diet.  Iron is critical for brain, neurological, and behavioural development.  Iron deficiency in infancy and childhood may have serious and irreversible effects.

These new guidelines recognize beef as an important part of a healthy diet and as a unique food for infants because of its nutrient- and iron-richness.  Lean beef is naturally high in iron and in fact contains more than twice as much iron as chicken.

Beef is not only good for you; it’s good for your baby.  To read Joyce’s recipe ideas check out this blog post.  Here’s another great resourceThis is from our friends down under and has recipes and tips on how to feed your baby from infant to toddler, as well as great recipes for parents.

Have more nutrition questions? Be sure to find Karine on Twitter at @CDNBeefRD

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